Low Carb Eggnog Shake or Cocktail
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This is the perfect time of the year to make a low carb eggnog shake. Makes for a healthy keto breakfast drink or you can make it a cocktail
Add to Favorites This is the perfect time of the year to make a low carb eggnog shake. Makes for a healthy keto breakfast drink or you can make it a cocktail
This eggless eggnog is made without any eggs, but, there is no compromising flavor. It’s still that rich thick and luscious drink!
Skinnier Eggless Eggnog – making your own at home is easy!
Delicious skinny eggless eggnog for the holidays! Less than 130 calories per cup!
Easy Eggless Eggnog. A cinch to make, and vegan too!
A comparison of vegan eggnog options.